
Special Educational Needs

At St Mary's we are committed to meeting the needs of every child in our care. Every child is unique and special, and all have the right to experience a rich curriculum where they can have fun, succeed and make progress.

For information on how we identify children with special educational needs, and the process through which we work to support them, please read our school's SEN Policy below.

The school will actively seek the involvement of parents in the education of their children.   It is recognised that it is particularly important with pupils who have special educational needs where the support and encouragement of parents is often the crucial factor in achieving success. As outlined in the new Code of Practice, schools are required to specify the provision available for children, to parents. Please follow the link below to read what St Mary's have to offer in the SEN information report. 

Mrs Lucy Titheridge is the SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) at St Mary's school. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to arrange a mutually convenient time to talk.

Please ring the school office on 01326 314540 or email: senco@st-marys-fal.cornwall.sch.uk 

You are also invited to access a 'drop-in' session between 2.15 - 3.15 pm every Thursday afternoon. Mrs Titheridge will be available to answer any questions you may have about access to SEND provision for your child. 

Below is an information poster for the school nurse team. 

Parents may request support and advice for appropriate services, including: 

•School screening service for hearing tests

• Speech and language therapy

• Paediatrician

• Healthy living, eating and exercise

• Bladder and bowel services

• Children’s mental health services

• Family support services

• Ophthalmology for eye problems

• Dietician.

Below is the link for the Early Help Hub. Parents may access support and advice for appropriate services via this for the following:
  • Child and Adolescent mental health
  • Family Group conferencing
  • Family Support
  • Health Visiting
  • Parenting support
  • School nursing
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Targeted Youth Support