
Meet Our Governors

The Governing Body will aspire to place children at the heart of all we do, reflecting the mission statement of the school. 

The Governing Body of St. Mary's aims to be a critical friend. We support the Senior Leadership Team in the strategic direction of the school and meet regularly with Teachers and Support Staff to offer support and guidance.The Governing Body will challenge and support the Leadership Team and all staff to maintain high standards of teaching and learning at all times. 

The Governing Body will aim to provide inclusive, safe and dynamic learning environments which nurture the whole child. Through the delivery of high quality curriculum provision our aim will be for all our pupils to reach their highest potential.


Minutes of meetings are publicly available. To request a copy of meeting minutes, please contact our Clerk to Governors by emailing Mr N Rich, at n.rich@plymouthcast.com


Mr Peter Sharp

Chair of Governors

Peter Sharp is one of our Chair of Governors Governors and has a wealth of experience working in the Primary Education Sector. Peter’s interests include volunteering for Falmouth United as a football coach, being involved with the Greenbank Rowing Club, Falmouth Athletic and the Association Preservation of Local Watersports and Amenities.
Peter’s skills include expert knowledge of the Curriculum and Assessment, Safeguarding, SEND, Data Analysis and Health & Safety.
Peter has a child at St Mary's.

Fr Paul Andrew

Foundation Governor

Mr Bob Kiszczuk

Vice Chair of Governors

Bob has a long association with St Mary's School. He is a past parent and has supported our school community over many years. Bob is an active member of St Mary's Parish.

Mr Tim Moran


Ms Kate Sicolo

Co-opted Governor

Mr Charlie Ross

Safeguarding Governor

Charlie Ross is one of our newly elected Parent Governors and works as the Group Operations Director at Pendennis Shipyard. Charlie has a wealth of experience and an expertise in many areas including Strategic Planning, Finance and Performance Management, HR, Data Analysis, Health & Safety and Compliance, IT and Further Education.
Charlie is interested in outdoor pursuits including running, hill walking and sailing and has previously volunteered as a Scout leader.
Charlie has two children at St Mary's.

Mrs Lucy Titheridge

Staff Governor

School governors are people like YOU!
Could you volunteer to become a school governor and make a difference by using your skills to make a positive contribution to your local community?
If you think you could make a valuable contribution to our school please
contact the school office today!