Should you have any concerns regarding the safety or well being of a child, please contact:-
Mr Tim Moran- Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
(Headteacher & Designated Teacher for Children in Care)
immediately on:
01326 314540
In the absence of the DSL you can speak to any of the following Senior Safeguarding Team members:
Mrs Lucy Titheridge Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer (DDSL)
(Deputy Headteacher and Reception Class teacher)
Mrs Sarah Shailes -Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer (DDSL)
(Class 3 Teacher)
The Safeguarding Governor for the school is: Mr Charlie Ross.
He can be contacted on 01326 314540
If you have a concern about the safety of a child outside of school hours, please contact:
Multi Agency Referral Unit (MARU) on:
0300 123 1116
We have a moral and statutory duty to ensure all allegations of child abuse are listened and responded to appropriately. This may include discussions with parents, however all cases of suspected abuse will be referred to and assessed by the MARU.
Furthermore, please feel free to contact Mrs Chapman or Mrs Rickard in the school office with any other queries you may have.
For the school safeguarding policy and other useful safeguarding documents, please see
our Statutory Policies