Statutory Data 2023-24
74% of our pupils achieved the Good Level of Development in 2023-24. The estimated National average was 68%.
St. Mary’s have exceeded the national average for GLD results for the last 4 years.
69% of our pupils passed the Phonics Screening Check in 2024. The National average is expected to be 80%. By the end of Y2, 90% of our pupils had passed the check.
Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)
In 2024, 30 pupils took the MTC and 57% of these pupils scored full-marks (25/25). The national average was 34%. This is the second year in a row where St. Mary’s have exceeded the national average by at least 20%.
In 2024, the average score for a pupil at St. Mary’s was 23.7. Nationally, the average score was 20.6.
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Key Stage 2
In 2024, 88% of pupils at St. Mary’s achieved at or above the Expected Standard in Reading and 47% achieved the Greater Depth Standard. This matched 2023, where 88% of pupils met the expected standard, but 13% more pupils reached the Greater Depth Standard in 2024.
In 2024, 74% of pupils met the standard nationally.
In 2024, 91% of pupils at St. Mary’s achieved at or above the Expected Standard in writing and 44% achieved the Greater Depth Standard. This was an improvement from 2023, where 81% of pupils met and 25% exceeded the standard. It represents a 3 year trend of improvement in outcomes for this subject.
In 2024, 72% of pupils met the standard nationally.
In 2024, 97% of pupils at St. Mary’s achieved at or above the Expected Standard in mathematics and 22% achieved the Greater Depth Standard. This is a significant improvement from 2023 where 63% of pupils met and 9% exceeded the standard.
In 2023, 73% of pupils met the standard nationally.
In 2024, 81% of pupils at St. Mary’s achieved the Expected Standard in Reading, Writing and Maths combined. This is 20% higher than the national average of 61%.
16% of pupils at St. Mary’s achieved the Greater Depth Standard in Reading, Writing and Maths, twice the national average of 8%.
In 2023, 56% of pupils met the standard in Grammar Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) and 13% exceeded it. In 2024, 78% of pupils met the standard in GPS and 38% exceeded it. This was compared to 72% of pupils, who met the standard nationally.
In 2024, 97% of pupils achieved the Expected Standard in Science, compared to 81% of pupils nationally.